Defines the core functionalities of 'init' command

Hierarchy (View Summary)



_configMaps: Map<string, any> = ...
chartManager: ChartManager
configManager: ConfigManager
depManager: DependencyManager
helm: Helm
k8: K8
leaseManager: LeaseManager
localConfig: LocalConfig
logger?: SoloLogger
remoteConfigManager: RemoteConfigManager


  • Return Yargs command definition for 'init' command

    Returns {
        builder: (y: any) => void;
        command: string;
        desc: string;
        handler: (argv: any) => void;

    A object representing the Yargs command definition

  • Dynamically builds a class with properties from the provided list of flags and extra properties, will keep track of which properties are used. Call getUnusedConfigs() to get an array of unused properties.


    • configName: string
    • flags: CommandFlag[]
    • extraProperties: string[] = []

    Returns object