Class AccountInfo

Current information about an account, including the balance.


  • AccountInfo


accountId: AccountId

The account ID for which this information applies.

accountMemo: string
aliasKey: null | PublicKey
autoRenewPeriod: default

The duration for expiration time will extend every this many seconds. If there are insufficient funds, then it extends as long as possible. If it is empty when it expires, then it is deleted.

balance: Hbar

The current balance of account.

contractAccountId: null | string

The Contract Account ID comprising of both the contract instance and the cryptocurrency account owned by the contract instance, in the format used by Solidity.

ethereumNonce: null | Long

The ethereum transaction nonce associated with this account.

expirationTime: Timestamp

The TimeStamp time at which this account is set to expire.

hbarAllowances: HbarAllowance[]
isDeleted: boolean

If true, then this account has been deleted, it will disappear when it expires, and all transactions for it will fail except the transaction to extend its expiration date.

isReceiverSignatureRequired: boolean

If true, no transaction can transfer to this account unless signed by this account's key.

key: Key

The key for the account, which must sign in order to transfer out, or to modify the account in any way other than extending its expiration date.

ledgerId: null | LedgerId
liveHashes: LiveHash[]
maxAutomaticTokenAssociations: Long
nftAllowances: TokenNftAllowance[]
ownedNfts: Long
proxyAccountId: null | AccountId


The Account ID of the account to which this is proxy staked. If proxyAccountID is null, or is an invalid account, or is an account that isn't a node, then this account is automatically proxy staked to a node chosen by the network, but without earning payments. If the proxyAccountID account refuses to accept proxy staking , or if it is not currently running a node, then it will behave as if proxyAccountID was null.

proxyReceived: Hbar

The total number of tinybars proxy staked to this account.

receiveRecordThreshold: Hbar

The threshold amount (in tinybars) for which an account record is created (and this account charged for them) for any transaction above this amount.

sendRecordThreshold: Hbar

The threshold amount (in tinybars) for which an account record is created (and this account charged for them) for any send/withdraw transaction.

stakingInfo: null | default

Staking metadata for this account.

tokenAllowances: TokenAllowance[]
tokenRelationships: default


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