Class TokenInfo

Response when the client sends the node TokenGetInfoQuery.


  • TokenInfo


adminKey: null | Key

The key which can perform update/delete operations on the token. If empty, the token can be perceived as immutable (not being able to be updated/deleted)

autoRenewAccountId: null | AccountId

An account which will be automatically charged to renew the token's expiration, at autoRenewPeriod interval

autoRenewPeriod: null | default

The interval at which the auto-renew account will be charged to extend the token's expiry

customFees: CustomFee[]
decimals: number

The number of decimal places a token is divisible by

defaultFreezeStatus: null | boolean

The default Freeze status (not applicable = null, frozen = false, or unfrozen = true) of Hedera accounts relative to this token. FreezeNotApplicable is returned if Token Freeze Key is empty. Frozen is returned if Token Freeze Key is set and defaultFreeze is set to true. Unfrozen is returned if Token Freeze Key is set and defaultFreeze is set to false FreezeNotApplicable = null; Frozen = true; Unfrozen = false;

defaultKycStatus: null | boolean

The default KYC status (KycNotApplicable or Revoked) of Hedera accounts relative to this token. KycNotApplicable is returned if KYC key is not set, otherwise Revoked KycNotApplicable = null; Granted = true; Revoked = false;

expirationTime: null | Timestamp

The epoch second at which the token expire: will; if an auto-renew account and period are specified, this is coerced to the current epoch second plus the autoRenewPeriod

feeScheduleKey: null | Key
freezeKey: null | Key

The key which can freeze or unfreeze an account for token transactions. If empty, freezing is not possible

isDeleted: boolean

Specifies whether the token was deleted or not

kycKey: null | Key

The key which can grant or revoke KYC of an account for the token's transactions. If empty, KYC is not required, and KYC grant or revoke operations are not possible.

ledgerId: null | LedgerId
maxSupply: null | Long
name: string

The name of the token. It is a string of ASCII only characters

pauseKey: null | Key

The Key which can pause and unpause the Token.

pauseStatus: null | boolean

The default pause status of Hedera accounts relative to this token. PauseNotApplicable is returned if pauseKey is not set PauseNotApplicable = null; Paused = true; Unpaused = false;

supplyKey: null | Key

The key which can change the supply of a token. The key is used to sign Token Mint/Burn operations

supplyType: null | TokenSupplyType
symbol: string

The symbol of the token. It is a UTF-8 capitalized alphabetical string

tokenId: TokenId

ID of the token instance

tokenMemo: string

The memo associated with the token.

tokenType: null | TokenType
totalSupply: Long

The total supply of tokens that are currently in circulation

treasuryAccountId: null | AccountId

The ID of the account which is set as treasuryAccountId

wipeKey: null | Key

The key which can wipe token balance of an account. If empty, wipe is not possible


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