Class TopicInfo

Current state of a topic.


  • TopicInfo


adminKey: null | Key

Access control for update/delete of the topic. Null if there is no key.

autoRenewAccountId: null | AccountId
autoRenewPeriod: null | default
expirationTime: null | Timestamp

Effective consensus timestamp at (and after) which submitMessage calls will no longer succeed on the topic.

ledgerId: null | LedgerId
runningHash: Uint8Array

SHA-384 running hash of (previousRunningHash, topicId, consensusTimestamp, sequenceNumber, message).

sequenceNumber: Long

Sequence number (starting at 1 for the first submitMessage) of messages on the topic.

submitKey: null | Key

Access control for ConsensusService.submitMessage. Null if there is no key.

topicId: TopicId

The ID of the topic for which information is requested.

topicMemo: string

Short publicly visible memo about the topic. No guarantee of uniqueness.


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