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How to debug Hedera Services and Platform SDK

1. Using k9s to access running network nodes logs

Running the command k9s -A in terminal, and select one of the network nodes:

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Next, select the root-container and press the key s to enter the shell of the container.

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Once inside the shell, you can change to directory cd /opt/hgcapp/services-hedera/HapiApp2.0/ to view all hedera related logs and properties files.

[root@network-node1-0 hgcapp]# cd /opt/hgcapp/services-hedera/HapiApp2.0/
[root@network-node1-0 HapiApp2.0]# pwd
[root@network-node1-0 HapiApp2.0]# ls -ltr data/config/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Dec  4 02:05 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 Dec  4 02:05 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 32 Dec  4 02:05 ->
[root@network-node1-0 HapiApp2.0]# ls -ltr output/
total 1148
-rw-r--r-- 1 hedera hedera       0 Dec  4 02:06 hgcaa.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 hedera hedera       0 Dec  4 02:06 queries.log
drwxr-xr-x 2 hedera hedera    4096 Dec  4 02:06 transaction-state
drwxr-xr-x 2 hedera hedera    4096 Dec  4 02:06 state
-rw-r--r-- 1 hedera hedera     190 Dec  4 02:06 swirlds-vmap.log
drwxr-xr-x 2 hedera hedera    4096 Dec  4 16:01 swirlds-hashstream
-rw-r--r-- 1 hedera hedera 1151446 Dec  4 16:07 swirlds.log

Alternatively, you can use the following command to download hgcaa.log and swirlds.log for further analysis.

# download logs as zip file from node1 and save in default ~/.solo/logs/solo-e2e/<timestamp/
solo node logs -i node1 -n solo-e2e

2. Using IntelliJ remote debug with Solo

NOTE: the hedera-services path referenced ‘../hedera-services/hedera-node/data’ may need to be updated based on what directory you are currently in. This also assumes that you have done an assemble/build and the directory contents are up-to-date.

Setup a Intellij run/debug configuration for remote JVM Debug as shown in the below screenshot:

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If you are working on platform testing application, you should use the following configuration in intellij:

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Setup breakpoint if necessary.

From solo repo directory, run the following command from terminal to launch a three node network, assume we are trying to attach debug to node2 . Make sure the path following local-build-path points to the correct directory.

Example 1: attach jvm debugger to a hedera node

solo node keys --gossip-keys --tls-keys -i node1,node2,node3
solo network deploy -i node1,node2,node3 --debug-node-alias node2 -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"
solo node setup -i node1,node2,node3 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"
solo node start -i node1,node2,node3 --debug-node-alias node2 -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"

Once you see the following message, you can launch jvm debugger from Intellij

❯ Check all nodes are ACTIVE
  Check node: node1,
  Check node: node2,  Please attach JVM debugger now.
  Check node: node3,

The Hedera Application should stop at the breakpoint you set:

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Example 2: attach jvm debugger with node add operation

solo node keys --gossip-keys --tls-keys -i node1,node2,node3
solo network deploy -i node1,node2,node3 --pvcs -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"
solo node setup -i node1,node2,node3 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"
solo node start -i node1,node2,node3 -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"
solo node add --gossip-keys --tls-keys --debug-node-alias node4 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}" --pvcs true

Example 3: attach jvm debugger with node update operation

solo node keys --gossip-keys --tls-keys -i node1,node2,node3
solo network deploy -i node1,node2,node3 -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"
solo node setup -i node1,node2,node3 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"
solo node start -i node1,node2,node3 -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"
solo node update --node-alias node2  --debug-node-alias node2 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data --new-account-number 0.0.7 --gossip-public-key ./s-public-node2.pem --gossip-private-key ./s-private-node2.pem  -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"

Example 4: attach jvm debugger with node delete operation

solo node keys --gossip-keys --tls-keys -i node1,node2,node3
solo network deploy -i node1,node2,node3,node4 -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"
solo node setup -i node1,node2,node3,node4 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"
solo node start -i node1,node2,node3,node4 -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"
solo node delete --node-alias node2  --debug-node-alias node3 -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"

3. Save and reuse network state files

With the following command you can save the network state to a file.

# must stop hedera node operation first
solo node stop -i node1,node2 -n solo-e2e

# download state file to default location at ~/.solo/logs/<namespace>
solo node states -i node1,node2 -n solo-e2e

By default, the state files are saved under ~/solo directory

└── logs
    ├── solo-e2e
    │   ├──
    │   └──
    └── solo.log

Later, user can use the following command to upload the state files to the network and restart hedera nodes.

solo node keys --gossip-keys --tls-keys -i node1,node2,node3
solo network deploy -i node1,node2,node3 -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"
solo node setup -i node1,node2,node3 --local-build-path ../hedera-services/hedera-node/data -n "${SOLO_NAMESPACE}"

# start network with pre-existing state files
solo node start -i node1,node2 -n solo-e2e --state-file