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Task Tool

Use the Task tool to launch Solo

For users who want to quickly deploy a standalone solo network without need to know what is under the hood, they can use the Task tool to launch the network with a single command.

NOTE: this requires cloning the GitHub repository:

First, install the cluster tool kind with this link

Then, install the task tool task with this link

task will install dependencies and build the solo project.

Start solo network

User can use one of the following three commands to quickly deploy a standalone solo network.

# Option 1) deploy solo network with two nodes `task` is the same as `task default`

# Option 2) deploy solo network with two nodes, and mirror node
task default-with-mirror

# Option 3) deploy solo network with two nodes, mirror node, and JSON RPC relay
task default-with-relay

If mirror node or relay node is deployed, user can access the hedera explorer at http://localhost:8080

Stop solo network

To tear down the solo network

task clean