First, please follow solo repository README to install solo and Docker Desktop. You also need to install the Taskfile tool following the instructions here .
Then we start with launching a local Solo network with the following commands:
# launch a local Solo network with mirror node and hedera explorer
task default-with-mirror
Then create a new test account with the following command:
npm run solo-test -- account create -n solo-e2e --hbar-amount 100
The output would be similar to the following:
*** new account created ***
"accountId": "0.0.1007",
"publicKey": "302a300506032b65700321001d8978e647aca1195c54a4d3d5dc469b95666de14e9b6edde8ed337917b96013",
"balance": 100
Then use the following commmand to get private key of the account 0.0.1007
npm run solo-test -- account get --account-id 0.0.1007 -n solo-e2e --private-key
The output would be similar to the following:
"accountId": "0.0.1007",
"privateKey": "302e020100300506032b657004220420cfea706dd9ed2d3c1660ba98acf4fdb74d247cce289ef6ef47486e055e0b9508",
"publicKey": "302a300506032b65700321001d8978e647aca1195c54a4d3d5dc469b95666de14e9b6edde8ed337917b96013",
"balance": 100
Next step please clone the Hedera Javascript SDK repository
At the root of the project hedera-sdk-js
, create a file .env
and add the following content:
# Hedera Operator Account ID
# Hedera Operator Private Key
# Hedera Network
Make sure to assign the value of accountId to OPERATOR_ID
and the value of privateKey to OPERATOR_KEY
Then try the following command to run the test
node examples/create-account.js
The output should be similar to the following:
private key = 302e020100300506032b6570042204208a3c1093c4df779c4aa980d20731899e0b509c7a55733beac41857a9dd3f1193
public key = 302a300506032b6570032100c55adafae7e85608ea893d0e2c77e2dae3df90ba8ee7af2f16a023ba2258c143
account id = 0.0.1009
Or try the topic creation example:
node examples/create-topic.js
The output should be similar to the following:
topic id = 0.0.1008
topic sequence number = 1
You can use Hedera explorer to check transactions and topics created in the Solo network: http://localhost:8080/localnet/dashboard
Finally, after done with using solo, using the following command to tear down the Solo network:
task clean
You can find log for running solo command under the directory ~/.solo/logs/
The file solo.log contains the logs for the solo command. The file hashgraph-sdk.log contains the logs from Solo client when sending transactions to network nodes.